Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Monday, November 22, 2010

Holographic Beginning

It was in 1974 when I first came to know about the use of hologram in movies, especially horror movies. Based on the holographic technology, a famous Tamil story writer named Sujatha penned a lovely suspense story in which he projected ghostly 3D figures to scare certain individuals. He argued that the very nature of this universe is holographic. A holographic picture or object when broken into several pieces will show the full picture in all the broken pieces. At that time, the hologram technology itself was looked at awe. Now, it is used in various applications that include hologram stickers for security purposefully stickers: These security hologram stickers embedded with numbers for identification purpose are not easily tampered and forged. You can find hologram security stickers in legal documents, business cards and ID cards. Hologram printers: With more usage and increase in demand, hologram printers were developed in which a special thermal ribbon is used to print out hologram labels and hologram sealing applications: The United States Federal department is a major user of hologram security stickers. Even small businesses like pharmaceutical manufacturers and logistic companies use hologram labels and seals. In India, banks are urged to use hologram seals in their documents, share certificates and currency bundles. Hologram study can be quite engrossing. Untouchable abundance. My husband surprised me when he said I am now ready to impart training on bullion watching to aspiring commodity trader. Yes, he first wants me to teach bullion watching and then bullion trading! Quite methodical-eh? I buy and sell gold and copper online for making money but frankly speaking, I like having physical gold, especially gold bars and South African Kruger ands. When you hold them on your fist, the feeling of financial abundance it gives cannot be taken lightly. It is the wealthy feeling that actually brings more wealth. Another big advantage of buying physical gold is the anonymity factor. I feel there is more gold among U.S. citizens than the official gold reserves figure. This applies to Indians too. The fact that gold possession cannot be traced lures more gold buyers. I read an interesting observation online regarding the advantage buying gold coins and taking delivery of your purchases instead of buying virtual gold where your purchases are recorded on a paper and you get a certificate. The gold bars and gold coins you keep in your vault are all yours and none can claim it as theirs! Literally untouchable-right?

Yeremiah Hardt

Which Star Trek character are you?