Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Startrek: Memory Prime

This book is by Gar and Judith Reeves-Stevons. I started this book on April 8, 2019. I finished it on Tuesday June 25, 2019. It had 309 pages.

They were on a world no one wanted, a nameless world. Starn, a Starfleet officer, was drinking at a Klingon Bar. He drank Vulcan water. The girl he met in the bar brought him to Karth, a young Klingon. Karth asked Starn to murder someone. Karth was a robot that stunned the girl with a memory reducing potion for 12 hours.

There was a Vulcan Award party known as Memory Prime. Spock was put in charge of making the arrangements for the guests that the Enterprise was escorting there. Someone tried to transport something at Warp which could have caused the Warp Engines to blow.

"Memory Prime was one of the most secure installations the Federation has ever constructed. Since the Memory Alpha disaster, the entire concept of libraries being unsheilded and fully accessible of freely available data had been rotated through four dinensions and come out backwards." Memory Prime p. 20

Cheif Administer Salmon Nensi, the Starfleet commander was about to retire in three months. The Enterprise was coming, Romaine, who was Scotty's daughter was excited to see him.

"Without input on current, these circuits would be unchanging, and they would have no preception. Their conciousness, their life is change. Thus they live in transition." Memory Prime p. 41

Romaine thought one of the Pathfinders had lied. Spock was under investigation. Sradek, one of Spocks instructors was aboard the Enterprise and asked Kirk why he couldn't see Spock.

"Humans, like Vulcans, cared too much for technology and science, often at the expense of their emotions. It would be fitting to inflame the one by turning the other against them." Memory Prime p. 66

Scotty was giving a tour of the Warp Nacelles of the Enterprise. Spock was suspect in the Warp malfunction, the only way to clear his name was on Memory Prime.

"For some council members Memory Alpha represented the golden door to the future in which all beings throughout the galexy would be united in the only adventure worth pursuing: the search for information and understanding, the never ending quest for knowledge. Memory Alpha would be the dream made real, fully and freely accessible to all Federation scholars, an unarmed, undefended oasis of peace and common purpose." Memory Prime p. 86

Because of a catastrophic disaster  the Memory Prime idea was set across the galaxy. Memory Beta was exobiology. Memory Gamma was economics and agricultural. Memory Delta was steller and planetary formation and evolution.

Both Nensi and Romaine knew the Pathfinders were lying to them. McCoy thought Spock was keeping Kirk in the dark because of his rank. An Andorian Commander, Faal, took over command of Memory Prime, he wouldn't say why or what for.

"It was one thing to sit in a chair with the weight and warmth of a real book and be tranported by fiction or philosophy, or the inspiring words of beings from far away or long ago." 

Memory Prime p. 105

Nensi begrudgingly asked the Pathfinders for help on what happened on the Enterprise. Wolfe just removed Uhura from the bridge and almost had a mutiny but Uhura stopped it.

"Just as the human mind is impulses in protein circuitry yet we can't back ourselves up."

Memory Prime p. 149

"A full synthetic conciousness when stored, loses that impetus to thought, the flow of current through circuitry. When the data pattern is frozen in storage, there is as yet no way to make it become self-aware again, any more than a vat filled with the chemical components of a human body can spontaneously come to life. It has to grow and be nurtured from an embryonic form. 

Memory Prime p. 150

Spock escaped confinement aboard the Enterprise. Wolfe gave the order to kill Spock when found.

"Zeyfrom Cochran's brilliant insights were applied on Warp theory at the venerable Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Earth, and within seven years of the two planets first contact the light barrier had fallen before their mutual onslaught."

Memory Prime p. 161

Scotty and Kirk were on Memory Prime searching for Spock. Woolfe found them and took them in with Farl.There was a coolant leak. Spock was found by one of the associates, Two, Kirk sent out for him. He told him he was safe and he would explain when he was aboard the Enterprise.

Kirk and McCoy figured out robots dressed as Vulcans, were the assassins. Kirk had been fighting an associate and then he was rescued by Two.

"Resistance seemed futile, and the great minds and orators of Vulcan prepared their followers for the ultimate reward of emotions run wild; the war and destruction and extinction that claimed so many other worlds."

Memory Prime p. 223

T'Pel was Sereks war-like cousin. An order of Vulcans followed her. Wolfe disliked Kirk because she thought he was to reckless and disregarding the dream of The Federation to explore new frontiers and seek out new life. 

No one knows if Constellation Monkeys are living or not. They are thought to have a group mind.

Two set out to think like humans. Spock deeply meditated and played dead so Kirk, McCoy, Nensi and Romaine could escape. Klingons were attacking Prime. Kirk, Romaine, McCoy and Uhura were trying to signal to the Enterprise.

"A person who functions as Prime Interface is able to directly connect with Pathfinders consciousnesses. It makes the human mind function almost as quickly as the human consciousness so that the workload can be more efficiently processed." Memory Prime p. 269

"Chances are asteroids will outlast Earth, simply evaporate as its proteins decay." Memory Prime p. 278

"The were just a layer, a pleasure-giving addition to the solid and stable structure that lay beneath everything. Nothing to fear, they were accepted as easily as poetry of the stars, the whispers of the virtual particles, the slow heartbeat of the 'living' universe."

Memory Prime p. 290

Spock merged with Two. Spock mindmelded with Trinele and killed him thus saving them all. The Datawells called Romaine their Pathfinder. McCoy was talking to one of Spock's teachers about his youthful exploits, he found out Spock was known as the class clown, Spock tried to dissuade the conversation but couldn't.

Which Star Trek character are you?