Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013

I'm a doctor, not a....

The running gag in the various Star Trek series in which a medical figure states, "I'm a doctor, not a...." was originally found in the film comedy The Kennel Murder Case. Only Dr. Krusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation, of all main cast doctors of five series, never said the phrase.  Dr. Pulaski on Star Trek: The Next Generation the line, either, but she was not credited as a regular cast member.
Star Trek Trivia Calendar Sunday October 13, 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Warp Factor Chart

Warp speed is the way starship speed is measured in Star Trek. It is a logarithmic scale, not linear. Warp 10 is infinite speed, and is the same thing as occupying every point in the universe simultaneously. Here is a chart that shows how fast each warp factor is, compared to the speed of light, and the distance to our nearest star, Alpha Centauri, which is 4.6 light years distant.

Warp Lightspeed Time to Centauri
1 1 5 years
2 10 6 months
3 39 2 months
4 102 18 days
5 214 9 days
6 392 5 days
7 656 3 days
8 1024 2 days
9 1516 1 day
9.2 1649 1 day
9.6 1909 23 hours
9.9 3053 14 hours
9.99 7912 6 hours
9.9999 199516 13 minutes
The numbers above have been rounded, and are based on the Star Trek Encyclopedia's data.

Star Trek major contributions

Star Trek has had a major impact on my life. It has shown me that whatever you can imagine will come true. It has been the seed of many of my writings as well as my projects.

I have taken a greater interest in outer space because of the shows. I cant wait for the new series to come out.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stardates and how to get them

Using reference points established in Star Trek: The Next Generation, a mathematical fomula for converting stardates into standard calendar dates is possible. One full Earth year is 1,000 stardate units, so to figure out the date for stardate 41153.7 in the first season (year 2364) take the last three digits and decimal, divide by 1000 and multiple by 365 to get the day of the year, which in this case is 56th day, or February 25, 2364. Don't forget to factor in leap years, in which case the multiplier should be 366.

Monday, July 22, 2013

A Klingon death is saddened to report the passing of Victor Lundin, a character actor with a unique place in Star Trek history. Lundin, who passed away on June 29 at the age of 83, portrayed the very first Klingon on Star Trek: The Original Series. Most fans assume that Jon Colicos as Kor had that distinction in the episode "Errand of Mercy." However, Lundin's Klingon Lieutenant actually appeared on screen a few moments before Colicos' Kor.

Monday, March 4, 2013

First Generation tractor beams

They were first referenced in 1928. In essence they are light rays that both push and pull. There are electromagnetic forces at work, and possibly gravitons.

It's extremely common for more then one force of gravity to effect an object. An example is if you are holding a cup, your force is attracting it while the Earths force is also keeping the cup upright.

In 1986, "Optical Tweezers" were invented, which were able to pull objects with lights and lasers. The optical vortex bends light to change objects momentum. It traps light, absorbing particles because of heatis pushing out the center which is moving within the air.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

7 wonders of the StarTrek Galexy

Startrek Magazine Winter 2012 issue 42

1) Bajorean Wormhole- This wormhole is called the Celestial Temple by the Bajorans.

2) The Dyson Sphere- This sphere is a whopping 200 million kilometers. It is built around a sun, and is one of the finest engineering feats known to exist.

3) The Nexus- This spatial phenomena causes dreams to become reality. But you better be careful what you wish for because it all comes with a price.

4) The Guardian of Forever- This ancient, glowing ring shaped rock is actually a portal used to travel through time as well as dimensions. All you have to be careful of is changing the course of history.

5) StarFleet headquarters- This is the headquarters where all the action begins. Located in San Francisco of Earth, you could tour it all if you happen to be in the area.

6) Great Domes of Qonos- This is one of the landmarks of the Klingon homeworld. When Worf was there for the first time he felt as if he was home. If you spend to long gazing at them, however, you run thevrisk of feeling as Worf did.

7)Unimatrix Zero- Take a break from reality, but be warned that you might be turned Borg while in here.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Gene Roddenberry

Originally pitched StarTrek as "Wagon Train to the Stars."  Wagon Train was a western tv series that ran on NBC (1957-62) and ABC (1962-65). Roddenberrys original name for the Enterprise was Yorktown.  "Wagon Train to the Stars" is also a name of a novel written by Diane Carey in 2000 from Pocket Books Star Trek New Earth series.
From Trek Trivia Calendar February 1, 2012

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Computer Simulation Reality

What is real?

This question has plagued mankind for our whole existence. We could only perceive a fraction of our surroundings. What if our world is just a simulation of another reality. Nick Bostrom, oxford University philosopher is one of the lead minds studying this quandary. He asks if we create a universe simulation, we probably will create as many simulations as we can to learn more about our universe.

Silas R. Beane, Zorah Devodi and Martin J. Savage have set forth the lattice gauge and quantum chromodynamics (QCD) to help determine if we are living in a computer simulation.

There are four forces within our universe, which are electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces and gravity. The Lattice Gauge Theory and QCD focus on nuclear forces, that hold subatomic particles together. The strongest of which has the shortest range.

Quantum chromo-dynamics explains the fundamental nature in four space time dimensions. High performance computers (HPC) enable this researchers to simulate small universes to study QCD. Lattice structures enable representation of the space time continuum. universes

Which Star Trek character are you?