Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Computer Simulation Reality

What is real?

This question has plagued mankind for our whole existence. We could only perceive a fraction of our surroundings. What if our world is just a simulation of another reality. Nick Bostrom, oxford University philosopher is one of the lead minds studying this quandary. He asks if we create a universe simulation, we probably will create as many simulations as we can to learn more about our universe.

Silas R. Beane, Zorah Devodi and Martin J. Savage have set forth the lattice gauge and quantum chromodynamics (QCD) to help determine if we are living in a computer simulation.

There are four forces within our universe, which are electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces and gravity. The Lattice Gauge Theory and QCD focus on nuclear forces, that hold subatomic particles together. The strongest of which has the shortest range.

Quantum chromo-dynamics explains the fundamental nature in four space time dimensions. High performance computers (HPC) enable this researchers to simulate small universes to study QCD. Lattice structures enable representation of the space time continuum. universes

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