Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Emergecy Medical Holographic Program

Abbreviated EMH, it's a sophisticated holographic program mach 1. It was developed by Starfleet and used on most Federation ships. It was designed to provide short-term advanced assistance during emergencies in sickbay not replacing the medical officer. EMH Progam AK-1 is itd formal name. There has been four EMH programs in Starfleet history as of yet.

Spock gave McCoy the idea to form an EMH. McCoy said he rather die than be replaced.

Doctor Lewis Zimmerman was assigned to the task of creating the EMH at Jupiter Station Holoprograming Center. He designed them as the embodiment of medicine.  The EMH mark 1 was programmed with ovee five million possible treatments from over 2000 medical references and the experience of 47 medical officers. It contains over fifty gigoquads of computer memory.

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