Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Thursday, September 10, 2009


1. I claim the Right to be free of Initiatory Physical Force, Coercion and Fraud.
2. I claim the Right to be Self-governing.
3. I claim the Right to defend against Physical Harm.
4. I claim the Right to own Justly-acquired Personal Property.
5. I claim the Right to freely Travel, Trade, and Associate with others.
6. I claim the Right to freely Express myself on Public Issues.
7. I claim the Right to participate Equally and Vote Directly on Public Issues.
8. I claim the Right to Dissociate from any Principle, Policy, Program, Practice, or Person, Public or Private.
9. I claim the Right to be free of human-contaminated Air, Water, Soil, and Food.
10. I claim the Right to have Equal Access to Public Places and Public/government Information.

Which Star Trek character are you?