Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Quantum Physics

Time is just an illusion. It can be writen and rewritten. However it will never be perfect without sacrifices, which some are so drastic that they are totally unrealized.

These sacrifices are sometime so great. But they have to happen. If they do not occur, time cannot withstand the trauma of these tragic changes.

Time is never played out as perfect as we want it to happen. You should just accept how it has played out. Certain things happen; for without them we will they will totally misalign the form of all reality as we know it.

We have choices throughout all life. Without these choices that could write and rewrite history, which is all that it is a story, that can be changed easier than it can always be changed.

Writing is powerful, but actions do speak louder then words. Until this is truly known, there will not be any of the peace, we all seek. This is actually piece of mind, and with this all tragedy could be averted.

Which Star Trek character are you?