Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Interpretation of The Star Trek Universe

The show, in general, was phenomenal. It portrayed us all, as being more similar then different. Even though we are unique individually, together, collectively we are the master of what we create. Through it all it emphasizes are power and knowledge. Because of our trouble we are of such great value to all that our around us. The structure of family needs to get larger, as oppose to all this individuality.

Individuality is good and all, but we cannot always be alone, thus we need to count on the people in which we surround ourselves with. Throughout the Star Trek Saga, even when you read in literature it really encourages diplomatic solutions of the most random of element which enables the bond of familiar contact.

The fact that it lasted 50 some years is remarkable on so many levels. I honestly hope that it will go forth and multiply. For the mere fact, that hope, should always survive. No matter what the outcome life will prevail.

Which Star Trek character are you?