Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Friday, September 11, 2009

Deep Space Nine Ending: What You Leave Behind

This was a great way to end such a paranormal series. It was a great series.

Dan actually likes it now, after seeing the finale. We actually saw the great link, Odo was called back because they were sick. The main Fonder other then
Odo, then said "Victory means Life." I take what she said very seriously.

Victory could mean as much as you want it to mean. Life, however, is an onward flow of inertial energy.

The Founders, were in a way God like beings; however, not as organized. The
great link; which was emmesely grand, was talked about throughout the series. It was only shown in the last episode.

The Founders were a team. However, they were not seen as one by the characters on the show or even to the cast. Odo was portrayed longer as the law as anything.

The point I am trying to make is how any single person can, know what's going on if, they, were not part of a well known, trustable team.

Which Star Trek character are you?