Star Trek

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Monday, September 7, 2009


For humanity to move forward successfully in the 21st century, a spirit of unity must be cultivated within the hearts of all nations and people.

A foundation must be laid that will allow each nation to grow and prosper individually, but also collectively within the context of an interdependent global community.

A successful future for all nations and people depends upon strengthening the bonds of our commonality as human beings, while honoring our differences.

To create a healthy global environment for all nations to overcome the struggles they face, we must recognize that all have erred, all have faults and none are perfect, yet each has cultural gifts to share.

Let us recognize and value those gifts. Let us celebrate the wealth of our diversity and strive to learn from each other and help one another in a spirit of openness, trust and respect.


We, the people of earth, members of one global family, declare our unity and seek to honor it by establishing an internationally recognized “World Unity Day” - a day to celebrate the diversity of the human family.

Goal: Deliver 1,000,000 signatures to the U.N. with every nation represented!

Which Star Trek character are you?